So we went to the doctor. I told the doctor what was going on. She told me that I would have to go to the pharmacy and get two empty bottles to collect some samples… (1&2), bring them back on Tuesday and get a blood sample taken then as well, and then come back on Wednesday to get my results.
While I was there, she asked me to lay down so she could feel around my abdomen (yay being poked… -_- ) and listen to it with her stethoscope. While she was doing that, there was definite concern on her face. So I went from thinking that I was just doing this to get cleared, and instead started actually worrying that I might have a parasite.
I collected my samples and brought them to the lab. I got blood drawn from my arm for the first time in my life (I… hate… needles.). I decided to stop worrying about it. I turned it over to God knowing that He was always in control of the situation. My no worries policy kind of disappeared when I stepped back into the clinic on Wednesday, but I kept telling myself God was in control.
I went into the doctor’s office: the moment of truth. I waited with baited breath. She told me that my #2 test didn’t show any signs of parasites, but they didn’t run a full analysis because it was more expensive. She prescribed some anti-parasite pills just in case. My blood sample, did turn something up though. It showed signs of inflammation in my intestine (I have no clue how they determine that from blood they got in my arm…) and so she prescribed antibiotics and probiotics to replace my good bacteria.
If I hadn’t thought that I had parasites, I probably would have blown off my symptoms, thinking that my body was just being weird. If we hadn’t had Monday all of a sudden open up, I probably wouldn’t have gone to the doctor. Through a bunch of small coincidences, God was working to make sure I got the care I needed.
It’s things like that that show me that God is alive and well and working in our lives.
Have you ever had a series of coincidences that showed you how God is working in your life?