Right now it’s 4:30am. I am sitting awake in the airport in Costa Rica with my teammate Karly. The rest of our team is sprawled out on the floor attempting to soak up as much precious sleep as they can until they are gently awakened by our sleepy selves and asked to take the next “watch the bags” shift. 

 I’m on my second shift of the night and yes, I am tempted to be frustrated. Sleep and I are real good friends and when I don’t get much of it, I easily shut down and refuse to engage with the world. 

Reality check: I am on this trip to engage with the world. That’s the whole point.

So what’s a girl to do when sleep is at a minimum and there is temptation to be frustrated and upset? Well, I decided to laugh and take a whiff of my stinky feet.  

These feet that remind me that I’m human. I’m not perfect. That I’ve got a long way to go. But Jesus accepts me right where I am. He beckons me to come to Him. My stink and all. He is always calling me to a higher understanding of who He is, never desiring for me to stay where I am. His pursuit is endless.

Sleep deprived or not, I am still thankful. Smelling good or not, He is still pursuing me.