We made it to Japan, and we’ve been here for just over a week now. But before I write about this month, I want to go back to Mongolia and share my journal entry from our last full day there:


“There’s no place I would rather be than right here, right now. God showed up this month way more than I expected. Last night we baptized Josh and Zaya (our Mongolian friends) in the bathtub…. How can I explain the joy I feel? It’s moments like this that make the Race worth it – this is why we came to Asia! God’s kingdom is being built in UB (Ulaanbaatar), and we get to be just a small part of what He’s doing. This month has been challenging and hard in ways I didn’t expect, but so worth it. This morning we’re having our last prayer and worship session with the church, and tomorrow we leave for Japan. This month felt so long, yet it’s hard to believe we’re leaving already. But we leave in full confidence that God will continue the work He started in this city. He was already here when we came, we partnered with Him for a few short weeks, and He’ll continue to work through the church after we leave.

God, thank you for showing up in bigger ways than we expected here in Mongolia. You blew the roof off my expectations for this month, in more ways than one! You taught me so much from living in community; you’ve shown me more of who I am and spoken truth into my life. You brought relationships into our lives that go so deep it’s hard to say goodbye. You used us to encourage the church, yet they are such a big encouragement and blessing to me. You worked through the simple things this month: the smiles, the friendships, the times of worship and prayer, relationships on the team and squad. I can’t thank you enough for everything You’ve done in and through us in Mongolia.”



“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways,” says the Lord.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways,
and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
-Isaiah 55:8-9