This month, my team has partnered with YWAM (Youth with a Mission) in the city of Elbasan, Albania.

Most of our ministry has consisted of working with the Roma (Gypsy) community. 

Our ministry hosts have also connected with other ministries in the city of Elbasan.

One opportunity we’ve had is working with Campus Crusade at the local University. These University students are being bold about their faith as they work hard to make God’s name known among their peers. 

We have also connected with a private English Christian school. Once a week, my team helps with evening classes where have opportunities to connect with the students. This ministry has been so successful that an Evangelical church has started through this program. 

This month has been one of the busiest, but also most encouraging. It has been incredible to see different ministries throughout the city. Help pray that these ministries flourish!

Here is what a typical day of ministry has looked like this month in Albania. Hope you Enjoy!