Meet Joyful Noise!

        Words can’t describe how exited I am to spend these upcoming months with a team of such loving, joyful, and incredible people! There’s a quote from the book I’m reading called “Tattoos on the Heart” I find very powerful and also very applicable to our team name!

        “How much greater is the God we have than the one we think we have.  More than anything else, the truth of God seems to be about a joy that is a foreigner to disappointment and disapproval.  This joy just doesn’t know what we’re talking about when we focus on the restriction of not measuring up… Behold the One Beholding you and smiling!”


Meet Y Squad!

       It’s an amazing thing to see how God brought each one of these spectacular people together! Over Training Camp I had the privilege to get to know all my comrades on Y Squad, and to hear the various stories of how they ended up there. Let me just say, our God works in mysterious and beautiful ways!

        You can’t underestimate the power of story! Training Camp brought out the story in each of us. Through tales of hardship, joy, love, and loss, it became more evident than ever that Our God is sovereign, and regardless of the road taken, He had us all right where He wanted us! No amount of adjectives can rightly describe how great this squad and family truly is, and I can’t wait to rock the world with them all!


Our Mission!


        With just over a month till launch, our first mission has begun to crystallize! Sombor, Serbia, located right near the border of Croatia and Hungary, will be the place of first residence for my team and I! While there, we will be staying and working with a local church in the city, teaching English, leading men’s and women’s groups, kid’s camps, and opening the door for people to experience God’s great love!


        I’m right under $2,000 away from my last deadline before launch, and just over half way to being fully funded! Below are the final 3 financial deadlines that I have to hit:


$10,000 Due 8/21/2015

$13,000 Due 10/31/2015

$16,267 Due 12/31/2015


        It would mean the world to me if you would consider supporting me both financially and through prayer! Here are 3 ways to support me:


  1. Credit Card/Bank Transfer – Click on the “Support Me” link on my blog and you will directed through the process of making a one-time, monthly, or quarterly gift by credit card or bank transfer. No transaction fee.
  2. Check/Money Order – must be made payable to Adventures in Missions with my name in the memo line. Mail to: Adventures in Missions, PO Box 742570, Atlanta, GA 30374-2570. 3. 
  3. (Dynapay) – Go to to fill out an online form for a monthly Electronic Funds Transfer from a checking account. No transaction fee will be charged for donations made through EFT.


        It has already been such an incredible journey, and I’m so excited to share this life with you all as these next chapters begin to unfold!