We all have a tendency to expect things of others, our situations… you name it. We expect things, whether we realize it or not.

There are many times I’ve expected and experienced two different things. I’ve grown to realize it can really mess with my trust in God. I get so caught up in facts and what I want or think, that it takes me a little longer to remember how good my God is and how he will take care of everything. 

If you don’t already know this about me, let me tell you… I think… a lot. It’s not always a good thing. In fact, in most cases, it really isn’t. I sit around thinking about conversations I MAY have or things that MIGHT happen. I think and think and think. I psych myself out and hope for more than I can actually get. This causes me to expect things… or maybe expecting things is the cause. 

In my next season, there are not many guarantees and many unknowns. I still don’t know if I have been officially approved to go on this trip. I will know after training camp. I still don’t know what I’ll be doing in the countries I have chosen to serve in. I’ll find some of that out at launch. I don’t know if I’ve been accepted to the college I want to attend when I get back. Hopefully I’ll know sooner than later. 

I don’t know. I don’t know. I just don’t know. Again and again, my trust has to fall on my Lord. I’m unsure of what his plans are exactly, but I feel so sure of his promise to give me my heart’s desire when I delight in him (Psalm 37:4). 

I’m learning to let go of the expectations that I have in my heart, but grab onto the expectation that God’s always wanting to do more in me, through me, and around me. 

I hope that through my journey and what God is doing in my own life, I am able to encourage you. I am just an 18 year old girl, letting go of human-inspired expectations to see God’s leading more clearly. 


About my trip and how you can be praying:

There are 24 days until training camp! I must hike 3 miles in 50 minutes to be able to go on my trip. Agree with me in prayer as I prepare for this hike and as I trust in His plan for my next step.

I have 76 days until I leave for launch! I need prayers upon prayers. I have tons of fundraising planned, but very little time to achieve it all. I need multiplied time and multiplied funds! One thing I know I can expect is for God to provide every single penny, if this is what He has called me to do. I also still need to buy a lot of little things for the trip and set aside spending money. I will not be able to do it alone. Let me tell you… it is not easy to say that. I like to be able to provide for myself and not ask for help, but I know that I am simply unable to do what He has called me to do, on my own. Pray for peace in the midst of this crazy situation and for God to move in awe-inspiring ways. 

Also… we find out our teams at training camp! Please just pray for God to arrange them so beautifully, according to his will for this trip and for each of our lives.

In addition to these prayer requests, I want to give you all the news! My squad will be the first ever all-girl squad with World Race. Just recently, they made the decision. There were several factors and they prayed for God to confirm that this was the plan for this squad. I believe God can do absolutely amazing things through this group of girls and that there was a reason that He chose each me  and every one of my squad-mates to be in this group. I have peace about the change, but I would just ask for you to be praying for peace for all of my squad-mates, as well.