April 11th has a lot to offer when it comes to history.  From Jackie Robinson taking the field as the first African American baseball player in 1947, to in 1968 the US Civil Rights Bills being signed.  

Both events changed history for the better, and made a difference for the future.  Jackie Robinson lead the way for many young African Americans to have a dream to play America’s past time, and the Civil Rights Bill made it so everyone could be treated equally, no matter what the color of a persons skin.  Now when you go to a school and see children of different nationalities and colors playing on a playground, there isn’t a more beautiful piece of God’s art work.  

The reason I talk about these events is because they made a difference in history.  They allowed change and growth is someones life.  I want to make that same impact on someones life.  I want to go to places and show the love of Jesus and in the future hear people saying, “thank you for sharing the gospel with me.”  

The World Race is a step in the right direction for that to happen and on April 11th, you can help. On April 11th, I am asking for simply $11 for the 11th, for the 11 countries I will be going to.  That is two fast food runs or two starbucks stops. This will allow me to be used by God and minister to people of different nations and nationalities that need to hear the gospel.  Your contribution could change the world for a person who doesn’t know Jesus and isnt just one soul for the kingdom worth every dime.  

Mark the date April 11th for 11 on 11.  You will be making a big difference for someone you don’t even know.  Bless you all and I love you

Revelation 7:9-10

After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palm branches were in their hands; and they cry out with a loud voice, saying, “Salvation to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.”

Such a beautiful picture for the future.