Back to True Love: II

    Monday is (now was) Valentine's Day where couples celebrate their love for one another or single men attempt with flower, bear, and sugar to get a special lady to be their Valentine.

    Dex had said something about it being not about celebrating love, but of celebrating lust, which I can definitely see in most instances. I dwelled on this a little and it dawned on me just how much God loves us (not that I didn't already know that, but it came as a new and fresh idea).

    You see He brought up the movie, 'The Princess Bride', where Westley is madly in love with Buttercup, the girl from the farm he is the servant boy at. He however cannot tell her he loves her and so whenever Buttercup asks for anything to be done, he says, 'As you wish.'

    It takes awhile but Buttercup (who actually loves Westley in return) finally realizes that 'As you wish' was Westley's way of saying 'I love you.'

    Here's the kicker:

    When God brought this tidbit up to me, He also brought up the moments where I went the total opposite direction of Him or lost my way on the paths before me from losing sight of Him. I was a little unsure of what He was talking about, but then He spoke,

"My son, in those moments when you chose the things and paths other than me, I didn't get angry, I simply replied–'As you wish.'"

Shock ensued.

    Flashbacks to the paths of old flooded my mind.


Read the rest of His revelation in 'Back to True Love: III'.