Hello Friends!!! My name is Zoe Behnken and welcome to my first blog!!!


I am 17 year old girl who lives in Minnesota, loves Ice cream, Starbucks, dogs, and Jesus. I would consider myself an explorer. One of my favorite places to be is Colorado, because I love the mountains, seeing my family, who live in springs, and hike the mountain trails. I guess that explains my love for being outside. I just love spending time outside. Some of my favorite things to do outside is to hike, roller blade, bike, and climb trees.

That is probably why my favorite season is summer, because it allows me to do the outdoor actives I enjoy. Another reason why I appreciate the summer time is because I never feel cold. I have always liked the feeling of the warm summer rays of the sun on my skin. tasting the sweet juices of a watermelon melting in my mouth. Swimming in the great big blue lakes of Minnesota. Enjoy being tan for three months out of the year. 

I think the reason why I love the summer time is because I am Colombian. I am original from Bogotá, Colombia not the cold Minnesota. I only lived in Colombia for three months before I came to Minnesota. The reason I was in Colombia for a short period of time is because I was adopted. I was only three months old when my parents came and brought me to America. I was the second of three adopted children in my family. I am forever thankful and grateful that I was adopted into a wonderful family.

I have one brother, Tristan, who is 19 years old and one sister, Sage, who is 13 years old. I have a beautiful mom, Heidi, and strong dad, Brett. I have ten pretty cool cousins, 1 grandma, who is a prayer warrior, 1 grandpa, who is very witty, 3 awesome uncles, and three aunts who are more like a second moms to me. I have over 500 brothers and sisters in Christ. Everyone has shaped me into to the overly loud, corky, mature person I am today.  

A big part of me is my faith. I love Jesus with all my heart!!! I consider myself a child of the one true king. Jesus is my best friend, he knows me better than I know myself. Everyday I learn more about Gods grace and love, and how much he wants a personal relationship with me. Jesus called me to missions two summers at Lake Geneva, and he has put this opportunity in front of me and I am running with it! 

Mark 16:15

– “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”