Hey there lovely people,

A big thing that God used to lead me to this trip was LOVE, that’s why my shirts I am selling are all about God’s love! Love is everywhere in this world and a huge part of our everyday lives. It also can be used to tear down culture barriers because everyone craves to be loved. However, sadly there are a lot of people in the world who have never been loved or heard of God’s love. God has led me to help fill some of that gap worldwide during the World Race and I believe he has touched my heart in a way to share this with others. The hardships I have experienced through life and the love that others and God have shown me have made my heart vulnerable to follow him and share his love with this world.

God’s love is unlike any other because it expects nothing in return ever from the recipient. A lot of times we as humans give our love and expect something in return and if we do not get that our love starts to fade. The love of God is so special because you do not have to do anything to deserve it. In fact, God loved the world so much he gave his only son’s life to save us even though we are all sinful and never deserved it. Honestly, after knowing that who wouldn’t want to share how great God’s love is to others haha. They say that the closest thing to God’s love is a parent’s love for their child. If you think about how much God loved his son and still loved us so much to let his son be persecuted even though he was perfect, it just is not the same as love in the natural world. My heart aches knowing there are adults and children out there who have never heard of God or have never felt his love. Love is such a simple, but powerful way to connect with people anywhere in the world. Love can be shown through so many different acts and ways and I will have so many chances to love people through Jesus on the World Race! I am so thankful God has chosen to use me and that my heart was open to accept his call and live out his plan for my life!

I also wanted to say how thankful I am for all the love you have shown me in donations and prayer! I am about 30% fully funded and past my first goal that is due in June! None of this could be possible without God and without every single one of you and for that I can’t express in words how much that means to me. Your money and prayers will help me spread the love that Jesus has for us across the world to people aching for someone to come along and love them and show them that they mean so much to our Father.


Much Love,
