Bonjour Supporting Family,

First of all that is about all the French I know, so if anyone comments in French I most likely not know what it means ! That being said we will now get into this blog. Fundraising is an extremely hard thing for me to do because I feel bad asking others for something they worked for and that is so important in society. Therefore this process of fundraising has already pushed me extremely out of my comfort zone, and I am thankful for that because I already see God working in amazing ways. For example in the middle of December I got into a car accident and my first thought was honestly why would God let this happen and how can I pay for this along with my trip. Well my first first thought was is everyone okay and thankfully everyone involved was not injured, which God had a huge part in because my car was pretty banged up and totaled and I left without a scratch.

My car was a 2016 KIA and I still owed about 11,000 on the loan from the bank, so the thought was like I need this money and my trip money and I was just in disbelief. I thought how could God let this happen if he wants me to go on this trip, however I quickly learned he had it all under control. My insurance company reviewed the car and decided it was totaled and would tell me how much they were going to give me for it. I had no clue what I was going to get for the car, I figured it would be enough to cover the loan at least but not much more. They called me and told me I was going to be receiving a little over 15000 for the car, therefore 11000 would go to the loan and I would receive 4000! However, then I was car-less and needed one to continue working and stuff. This is when God showed up again and a family friend was selling an older car that was in good shape for only 1400 dollars!!!! This also, allowed me to put the other 2600 into my trip!!! I was literally amazed how even though I was so skeptical, God knew everything and had it all under control all while probably wondering why I did not trust him fully. I won’t lie to you I did not fully trust that things would get worked out that easily or even at all when the events unfolded. However, I think everyone including me can learn a lesson from this about trusting the Lord! Having a relationship with Him means He will always be there for you, and do not grow apart from Him when things start to get hard because that is when He shows up big!

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post and if you feel lead to support me financially, it is super easy by hitting the ORANGE button at the top and following instructions! Also, another way to support is just by praying for my team and I as we continue fundraising and growing spiritually for our trip!

Much Love,
