Hello All,

Each day the World Race launch date gets closer. In between now and then I have training camp (October 12th-19th), and several fundraising deadlines. I am also gathering all the larger items I need for the race, such as my tent (donated graciously by the Lehn family) and my internal frame back pack (purchased from REI).

Meanwhile, fear and doubt float just beneath the surface of my thoughts. What if I can't raise enough funds? What if I'm totally useless on the World Race? It's amazing how these large feelings can lurk and persist but never manifest themselves except perhaps in my occasional prayer or thought. But they are nothing less than the greatest designs of my enemy attempting to sabotage my daily endeavors. It is the enemy wheedling into my heart and seeking a foothold. 

I've never raised money like this – calling and asking, sending letters, conversing. Some days I am very anxious about it. All I can do is trust that God is at work and with His help I will meet my funding.

I feel that I will be learning to trust God a lot more on the World Race. Trust doesn't come naturally to me. I like to be in control. I am more comfortable when everything is set in stone and clearly laid out – no surprises, no unforeseen twists and turns, no mistakes and no changes in plan.

But God is always in control. Nothing is a surprise to him. He is always leading and preparing us for each new thing in life. And if we do not put our complete trust and faith in him, well then it makes very hard for people (like me) to accomplish much. Perhaps I could attain the middle ground, perhaps I could climb partway up the great mountain, but surely I would not reach the top without the LORD's help.

So it is 18 days before my first fundraising deadline is due. By September 28th I need to have at least $3,500 raised. Currently I have $1,057 and I am very grateful to everybody who has contributed thus far! It takes great faith and trust to give support too 🙂


