Hey everybody!

About two weeks ago I traveled to Tennessee for World Race Training Camp. Let me tell you about what happened there.

My desire is for everyone to experience God’s love in the way I did. I hope that you’ll grow hungry for the bread of life, and thirsty for water that satisfies.

I’ve been so busy the past few months that I haven’t had much time to cultivate excitement for the journey ahead. So when I jumped on my flight to Atlanta on October 10th I was in autopilot mode – no praying, journaling, or any sort of deep thinking. I fell asleep two pages into To Kill A Mockingbird, before the plane had even left the runway. A few hours later I awoke as my flight approached Atlanta.

Four nights later I was in the camp hall, my teammates singing and dancing all around me, and I myself was bent to the ground, worshiping the Lord with my whole being, for the first time in my life.

I worshiped because my Lord is worthy of praise. He did something amazing for me at camp.

(Continued on my next blog!!!….)