Hey guys,  I wrote this on my blog but though it might be good to share with everyone.   If you guys have a chance check out my blog, I’ve been having fun writing, posting pictures and keeping it updated. 

“It’s been hard for me to update this blog for the last few days. Not for lack of internet connection, but because I’ve had trouble putting my feelings into words. Honestly I feel a little off, the idea of having two and a half more months before leaving is hard. I’m itching to go! This trip has me so pumped and excited. A huge part of me longs to leave now. Despite my desires to get moving, God has more to do through me and prepare in me over the next few months. I’ve never been good at waiting, but the Bible says that, “Those who wait on the Lord will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31) It’s a promise that God will renew our strength if we wait on him. I know I’m going to need all the strength I can get next year.

I am a product of my culture and I hate waiting. I like things the Starbucks way, in and out in 5 minutes with exactly what I want (mostly decaf now a days.) My patience has gotten even worse since moving to San Diego, because of the fast paced lifestyle here. It makes me frustrated that God wants to renew my strength through waiting. Couldn’t God renew it thorough action, or a busy schedule or anything else. It’s hard to justify waiting because it’s so countercultural. I believe that waiting on God is active. It involves listening, growing, praying, living out faith in the moment, all while seeking strength for the future. “

Is anyone else struggling with feeling between pulled between two worlds right now?  I’m praying about how to plug in here while preparing for what God has next year.