“…In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one…” Ephesians 6:16


Shield of faith

We need to acquire eyes of faith. We are raised in a rational and materialistic culture.
  Our culture tells us that reality is what we experience.
  So if we only experience the natural world, the existence of the supernatural world is invalidated.
  Every lie from the evil one is a fiery dart that can only be defended with a supernatural worldview and a strong confidence in God.

To see the world as God sees it, we must view in the context of the supernatural.
  Jesus’ methodology was to help his disciples see with eyes of faith.
  More than a dozen times he either congratulates his disciples for their faith or he identifies a lack of faith.

Specific steps

We help our young warriors acquire eyes of faith by helping them take risks in ministry.
  They will never get supernatural vision without taking risks.
  Examples of risks include:

  • Asking someone, “Can I pray for you?”
  • Sharing your faith with someone.
  • Praying for a miracle.
  • Exercising a spiritual gift where you don’t have much experience.
  • Exercise spiritual disciplines for the first time or on an extended basis.
  • Apologizing for a broken relationship.

Measuring progress

It is actually possible to track a young warrior’s growth in the area of faith by counting the number of spiritual risks that they take.
  Though in counting anything, the potential for legalism arises, counting spiritual risks taken is a way to deliberately focus on acquiring and improving spiritual eyesight.

Challenge… Take an hour to reflect and record times where you have lacked faith and times where your faith has been the strongest. Pray that God will give you revelation as to how you can become stronger in faith through these experiences.

Scripture Memory…
1 Corinthians 16:13, Hebrews 11:1 and Hebrews 11:6

Prayer…“You know the areas in which my faith is weak, Lord, help my faith, help me to believe all things.  Help me distinguish the attacks of the enemy and fend them off with my faith in your power.”