My ultimate prayer is that all of our team will participate in this prayer time. I do understand that some of you will not be able to do the whole day, but please do some.

The first thing you do, is turn off the ringer on your phone, and do not turn on the tv either! Just get started!

This was a call from God to dedicate one whole day to Him without distraction. Feel free to mix up places where you pray – indoors, outdoors, walking, lying down, journaling…

Conference call for ALL people: Saturday, Oct 7th, 12:00 pm Eastern time. 1-563-843-7429 pw is 908787# We will do corporate prayer and communion, so have some elements prepared for this.

The outline the Lord gave me is ACTS.

A= acknowledge (God for who He is)

C= confess (examine and expose your sins)

T= thanksgiving (there is sooo much to be grateful for)

S= supplication (let your request be known to God)

(My) Time frame is 8:00 am to 7:00 pm (this will vary for you from state to state, but what a great way to have more time covered)

I will start out with praise and worship, meditating in the Bible Ps 119, and taking a walk to consume His creation. (this will take up a good 2 hrs, this is the “A”)

The next 2 hours, I will really take the time to meditate on Psalm 139 and listen to God for hidden sins to be exposed, while praying through known ones- pride, jealousy, overeating…

After this I already have a “gratitude list” of the things I am thankful for- sobriety, home, son, salvation… This will be capped off with more praise and worship, the conference call and communion.

If we spend, oh, let’s say, 10 minutes (you can do more) on Supplication for each country were going to and for each person on the team, well, you do the math… that is 390 minutes, that alone is a whopping 6 hours. 10 minutes is not a long time either. I will also be praying for AIM, Seth, Serena, Mary Beth…

I will pray for the needs of my family in me going on this trip- encouragement, peace, love…

I will close in praise and worship… If all this takes longer than I expect, well then, ok!

I will be very direct in my prayers. There are a lot of good Scriptures that are promises to us. You have not b/c you ask not. MAN… God can handle it!

Please jump on board. I know it may seem like a lot, but it really isn’t!