For being this passionate about WR07, I have been remiss in my updates to you all, my soon-to-be-family.  For what it’s worth, here’s where I’m at (which might explain my sporatic updates).

I’m in St. Louis, MO right now working a summer with YouthWorks – a summer missions program for teenagers.  I’m supervising four sites here in the mid-USA and I cannot tell you how much God is moving.  I have 16 staff (four per site) that are managing and facilitating the experiences with the teenagers coming to their sites and God has blessed me with the opportunity to love, invest, mentor, lead and grow personally.  God is showing up time and time again with the most unexpected, yet wonderful provisions.  On top of that, I’m seeing firsthand how God is changing lives – and it’s beautiful.

I’ve told my staff that this journey through the summer is a journey of trust.  Learning to trust God, learning to rely on Him for every step in the process etc.  While it is my charge to them, this journey is only the beginning for my WR07 preparation.  I leave you with John 14:4

“Do not let your hearts be troubled, trust in God, trust also in me [Jesus].”