Hey guys! I met with my mentor last night. She is an awesome woman of God, who I look up to and admire so much. She is a woman who counts all things as blessings and just enjoys basking in God’s presence. She was a missionary in South Africa for 10 years. She told me that the best piece of advice that she received before she left the U.S. was to start now witnessing to those people in which we live, work, and play. This was a good reminder for me, because I think it is so easy to think about all that we can do when we start the World Race or when we are in a different country/culture instead of thinking what things that we can do right now. I know that slips my mind easily. I was thankful for Jennifer’s post earlier that touched on this same topic. I realize that just talking about this trip provides numerous opportunities to talk to people about Jesus. She challenged me to ask God to show me 3 people in my life in which I can witness to now. I committed to doing this and am excited to see the opportunities that I will have when I make myself aware of God’s continuing presence and direction in my life.


Thank you calling me your child. Thank you for choosing me to increase your kingdom. I am so blessed by how you have provided. I know that from whom much is given, much is expected. I ask today that you would lay 3 people on my heart in which I could spread your love to. Help me to be aware of your active presence in my life. Help me to take the most of the opportunities that you lay before me. Thank you for your faithfulness!