Hey friends, Thank you for paying my first blog a visit. I figured if you’re here, you are pretty curious about what the World Race is and why I decided to do it. The Race has been something I have been looking for, for a long time. I’ve spent many years talking to God and asking Him for an opportunity (when he felt was best for me) to be able to go on a missions trip to share my love for Him and His kingdom. As a kid, I never fully grasped the importance of multiplying Gods kingdom;  but as I grew in my faith I began to understand my love for others in a dying world. It wasn’t until a couple of years ago when I became close friends with someone who really instilled mission work into my heart and made me deeply desire it. I spent a couple of years after that praying and asking God to give me the opportunity to spread His Word throughout the world. And it wasn’t until recently that I had heard about the World Race. I was super eager to sign up and get started because I knew this was and is God giving me the opportunity I have been praying for.


Another reason I am looking forward the Race is for the many friendships and character qualities I’ll learn about myself while being on this trip. You are pretty much isolated from your everyday life and all the things that make you comfortable back at home (and i’m not just talking about your bed). But you aren’t doing this alone! Your squad and team are experiencing the exact same things you are, giving everyone the opportunity to really bond and create lifelong friendships. These will be the people you’ll have for the next few months to be picked up by, have a shoulder to cry on, possibly apply sunscreen to that shoulder, and keep you accountable. These will also be the people you learn many things next to. Things that will be about yourself, your future endeavors, your faith, different ways of living, different cultures, essentially everything. You’ll come back knowing things that you may never have learned just staying in your bubble back at home. It’s extremely exciting to have the opportunity to experience this.

