As some of you may know, for the past ten days I have been in Gainesville, Georgia attending a training camp for the world race I am getting ready to embark on. It was an action packed week but also a week that really prioritized growing our own relationship with God. I became so close with everyone that was in my squad and I grew to really love each of them. We laughed together, cried together, sang songs together. You name it, we probably did it. The first few days were extremely fun getting to know each of their very unique personalities but there was something missing. It was missing from my heart and I could feel myself desperately wanting a stronger relationship with Christ. I spent the next few days diligently praying and asking God for a deeper and stronger relationship with him because I knew that this was what He was heavily putting on my heart. So I prayed and I waited, ears and heart open to listen and feel what he was going to tell or show me. It wasn’t until about halfway through training camp where I saw God really shine a light on my life had not seen before; drastically changing me forever. As I was praying again to hear his voice and for a deeper relationship, another girl from my squad approached me and said words I will never forget. She tapped on my should and told me that she was watching me worship and felt that God really put on her heart to come tell me that God hears my prayers and wants a deeper relationship with me too. That entire event really opened my eyes to so much more that I had not been pursuing in the past and now creates a desire and love in my heart to chase those things. Training camp made me come to the realization that your relationship with God should not be your parents or your pastors or whoever else has an authoritarian role in your life, but it should be one that you create with him. It had been something that I struggled with my whole life considering that I grew up in the church and didn’t really think about, but I can now confidently say that I am desperately chasing God and am very set on following the plans he has for my life.


Thank you for reading!!

