It is hard to believe that we have already been in Peru for two weeks! Time has flown by so fast which means we have been having lots of fun and staying busy with our time. In just these short two weeks it feels like we have been a part of so many different activities. So far we have painted a large portion of the school that we are staying at, played countless games of volleyball with local women and children, helped at a free medical campaign provided through the school, and assisted in a VBS for 100 local kids. Coming into this trip one of my concerns was not knowing exactly what we would be doing, but I have been very pleased with all that we have done so far.


For me, the coolest activity that we have been apart of was the VBS. This was not an ordinary VBS, rather a program that children are required to participate in by Samaritan’s Purse in order to receive “Operation Christmas Child” boxes. These are the red and green boxes that are packaged with gifts all over the US around Christmas time each year and are sent all over the world to children in need. It was so cool to see something that I have been apart of back home for many years actually come to life in a different country. Never did I think that I would be one of the people giving kids these physical boxes. The smiles and occasional mixed looks of confusion on the children’s faces because they had never seen a fidget spinner before were priceless. With this experience I hope that I will be able to continue packing these boxes each year with the memory of how special they are for children all over the world. 


I am not sure what our ministry looks like for this upcoming week, but I know that the Lord will use whatever it may be in wonderful ways.