I saw this sign on the back of an 18 wheeler on my way home
from the airport this morning that said “The Freshest Chicken Going”. I couldn’t help but laugh as I thought about
all these companies trying to one up each other by being the freshest, or the
newest, or the most convenient. Next thing you know kids will be able to pick
out the live chicken for their McNugget Happy Meal (sorry for the dark humor,
but God loves me in spite of it).

I started thinking about all the things that we’re sold
every day. I thought about all the
things that we think we’re entitled to, or the things we need to fill a void.  My humor tried to kick back in but a still,
calm voice said to me, “You don’t have to sell me.” I was a little taken off guard because I wasn’t
expecting it and didn’t really know what it meant, but then it repeated.

“You don’t have to sell me.”

I love teaching and sharing what I have learned, but too
often my creativity gets in the way and I catch myself trying to “sell” someone
on the idea of God. It was almost like
God said, “You want a sales pitch? You
know that hole in your life that you keep trying to fill with ‘The Freshest
Chicken Going’, whatever that may be for you? I can fill that.”

He’s much better at this than I am.  Every now and then I need to step away from clever titles
and pretty pictures and realize that God can sell Himself. He gives us gifts so we can in turn bring
glory to Him. Not because He is
dependent on us to make Him look good. 

God doesn’t need a
spokesperson, He just wants us.