So just in case you were curious, God has been teaching me a lot through pictures lately. T hese ideas or visions that come into my mind are often so simple but are so drenched with Truth that I cannot deny them and I cannot help but share them not only with my squad, but with everyone I can.  So I had this vision a few days ago that I wanted to share with you.

I was on a large body of water right beside some sort of marina.  There were a ton of boats lined up as far as I could see of all different shapes and sizes.  I saw yachts next to canoes that were next to speed boats that were next to barges.  As I’m looking down the row of boats, a man comes beside me and asks if he could show me mine.  Naturally I had my fingers crossed for the yacht but at least he didn’t show me to the canoe.

He told me to care for my boat and do whatever I needed to do to fix it up.  I worked as hard as I could to make it look nice and fix it up as best I could, but I don’t know a thing about boats.  As he left, he told me that later on somebody very important would come by later to take a ride in it.

This idea stressed me out, but I continued to use the limited knowledge I had to make my boat the best I could.  After working to the point of exhaustion, I saw a figure walking towards me.  I knew this was the guy I was supposed to be waiting on, but he was walking alone.  Even stranger than that, he wasn’t walking down the dock, but rather walking straight towards me on the water.

I know we’ve all heard this idea of Jesus walking on water, so what else could He teach me here?  He stepped onto the dock and said He was here for the ride.  I immediately started making excuses for my boat because there was no way that we would be able to ride out on that.  As the stress continued to build and the excuses flowed out faster, all He could do was smile, which frustrated me even more.

When I finally ran out of breath, He very quietly asked me, “Did you forget that I just walked on water? If I want your boat to float, it will.”

God has called us His vessels.  For me this translated to a boat.  Many of us spend all of our effort trading up for the biggest boat possible, while others feel they will always have the worst boat at the marina.  Some of us have so much knowledge that we continually upgrade our boats to be faster or prettier, while others of us don’t have the first clue about how boats work and we just sit there clueless.

The most exciting part of all of this is that Jesus has already walked on water (Matthew 14) and calmed the storms at sea (Matthew 8) so it doesn’t really matter what the condition of our boat is.  He has the ability to use us, all we have to do is push off from the dock. 

If He wants my boat to float, it will. It’s such a simple promise, but it requires a difficult action.