as I was growing up, my parents taught me that in order to be a healthy,
growing boy, I needed to finish ALL my dinner. 
I never really thought this was a big deal until I was introduced to
broccoli.  Sure, meat, potatoes, and the
occasional mac and cheese were great, but that green stuff wasn’t even
cooked.  I would spend hours in
stand-offs with my parents just to see whose strong will would last the
longest.  Regretfully, I have to report
that they usually won, so I had to choke down whatever was left, but every once in a while
I escaped green free (that’s why every child should have a dog).

I discovered that my parents were right about eating healthy and that the green
things weren’t actually from the Devil, sent to torture little kids.  So why do I use this little story as an
analogy?  Simple, in order for me to keep
up healthy communication with you guys, it’s not about just telling you all the
deep “meat and potato” stories or the fun “dessert” stories.  I need to give you guys updates on the
logistics from time to time too because I need your support in order to be an
effective tool on the field.  I know this
is a weird connection, but for those of you that know me, it fits.  So for you regulars, whenever you see “Don’t forget your broccoli…” it’s a reminder to tell you guys what’s going on.  For those of you that are new, would you really have read this if I just put “Monthly Update”? (just tell me no, it feeds my soul)


always tends to be a touchy subject that many people hesitate to approach.  I’ve spent the last couple of months being
hesitant with it, and I still have a long way to go. 
I have to raise right at $15,000 for the full year.  My next deadline is June 1 where I must have
$8,200 in order to launch with my team. 
I’d be lying to you if I said I wasn’t nervous about that, but I know
that feeling is not healthy, so I fight back those thoughts.  After this weekend’s fundraiser (BBQ Boston
Butt Sale), I should be sitting right at $5,300.  Again, I still have a long way to go and will gladly
accept any help I can get because I know God works in mysterious ways.

second update in this area is that I am doing a school-wide fundraiser with
American Christian Academy.  I went into
the elementary classes yesterday to share stories about training and to hear
about what they’ve been doing to help me. 
Some of the classes are having bake sales, penny drops, and some
students are even having stores in their lockers.  It was truly a blessing to hear their
stories.  Thanks so much guys.  Please pray for these classes and their support raisers, they have really put in a lot of work to try and bless the work I will be doing over the next year.

If you are interested in adding to my total and making my total goal a little more achievable, click on the “Support Me!” link on the left side of the page and it will take you through a step by step process.  Every gift is a blessing, and I promise you that I won’t be the only one receiving that blessing.

The Team

training camp we were split into teams and I have to say that I couldn’t have
picked a better team.  I didn’t know any
of them last week this time, but this week they are family.  So I want to introduce you guys to team
N.E.O.N. (Now Everyone Owns Nothing).


<–Kelly Kramp is from Nashville and
graduated from Clemson.                                                    
    She brings
amazing energy to the team and I know she is a very genuine person.  Kelly is for sure our compact pep squad

Kristin Helms is from Georgia, but living
and working in Orlando now.  If ever you
have a need for a spontaneou
s dance party, she’s your girl.  I love to see her joy, and parents, you can thank her for all of our lovely pictures that will be posted.–>

<–Megan Johns is a Montana girl but working
at a ski resort in Colorado (it’s a tough                 
       life).  Her laughter is one of life’s greatest
pleasures and
life is never dull with her around.  In case you were curious, yes, that is a hot pink, one piece jumpsuit.

Marissa Avila is from Texas, living in
Lubbock now.  I love working with Marissa
because she is a perfect balance for our team yet her personality fits great in this
family.  I’ve also loved seeing her goofy side and that sun hat is gorgeous.–>

<–Matt Ruple is from a little all over,
but I’ll just say Ohio for now.  He’s one
of the                             
funniest people I’ve been around and he is going to be a great friend
and accountability
or the next year and then some.

Kelly Rampmeyer is a Maryland girl.  From our first conversation, I knew I had to
have this girl on my team.  I always try to not get too attached too early, but just look at that stare.  She’s already
a sister in my book.–>