I think I may actually be up to date with this one.  Hooray for not getting too far behind…

So, I have to admit, I met this guy a few months ago, but after spending yesterday with him, I just have to tell his story.  He has experienced so much more than I ever have, and even though he’s a few years older than me, he sees me as his big brother.
I met Benhard one of our first days in the Philippines in March when he just came right up to me and told me that we must go to the jail.  I didn’t know this guy at all or had any clue he worked with the children’s home, but I just got up and went with him.  Something about him told me to latch onto this guy.  We went to the jail that Sunday and he told me it was my time to preach and share the Gospel with every prisoner.  Nine cells and 2.5 hours later we were walking out on a spiritual high, and I had a new close friend.
On the walk home, I began to probe a little into my new friend’s life to learn more about him.  I learned Benhard was the son of a single mother and was currently enrolled in a university that was providing him a great education, but he had run out of money and didn’t know how he could continue.  He told me about this long shot he had at becoming a college senator that would not only give him a full ride, but would also allow him to shape some of the policies and the way the school operates.  Not many of the students knew who he was and it was basically a popularity contest.
Good thing our God is bigger than our circumstances.
We prayed that Sunday and the elections were two days later.  His first day back to the home, he ran up to me and picked me up in celebration that he had won the election.  Now his mother wouldn’t have to sell anything or continue to work in her poor health condition and Benhard could continue his education with no financial burdens.  God continued to bless his ministry as well as a few days later, a local pastor donated nearly 30 Bibles to take to the prison to continue his ministry.
Now it has been fun to catch up with him after a couple of months.  It seems his mother has gotten worse and he has moved in full time at the children’s home.  This way he can continue his studies without having to travel too far, his mother is taken care of, and he can continue with the prison as well.  Even with so little, God has blessed this man’s ministry tremendously.  I can’t wait to get to know this man more and be a big brother to this only child.
Please pray for God to continue to provide for him, because that is literally the only way he receives anything…