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We were asked to write a blog about how we were called to this mission trip. Here is my story…
I had not really been a traveller. The only “travelling” I have done were to cities within 6 hours of driving, or flying to Vancouver or San Jose to see friends or family. It wasn’t until March of 2007, at the last minute, that I decided to meet up with a friend who was already in Thailand. She somehow convinced me to come and as soon as I landed in Bangkok I got bit by the biggest, lethal travel bug whose only antidote is more travels.
I felt like I was on the show, Amazing Race, trying to find my way into the city my friend was staying, searching for cabs, holding maps, and trying to find anyone who could speak half-descent English. (Isn’t it funny when we go to other countries, we expect them to understand our English, but when others come to North America, we’re impatient with those that can’t speak our language?) I went to Australia for 3 weeks after, to satisfy my cravings of the two new adventures I picked up in Thailand: rock climbing and open water diving. I don’t know why I get so much enjoyment out of being away from sea level. 😀
I believe it was when I came back from Australia, that my small
group leader mentioned World Race to me. He knew a friend who was
going on it and thought I might be interested too. I was very much for the idea, and couldn’t believe such a thing existed. It was as if this trip was made for me! Everything about it sounded incredible. I wished I could go on it right away, but I was starting school in September, and I really needed to have something completed in my life first.


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On my first and last short term missions trip with Habitat for Humanities, I don’t feel that I served God
in the mission field that much. While I did learn a lot and it opened up the doors
for me to be more active with Habitat, but service wise, I received more than I
gained. World Race is a great opportunity to give more than receive this time around. 🙂

I am confident that God wants me to go. In fact, I am
confident that he wants EVERYONE to go. Not necessarily on the World Race, or even
across the ocean. But to simply GO and serve others; to love God and love
His people and to make disciples of all nations. He has called us to go, and I am
finally saying ‘yes’ rather than ‘I’ll go when I can afford to take time away from my
life.’ My life can wait. This world can’t.