A lot of the time I struggle a lot with writing a blog because I feel like they are suppose to be light,  fun, big moments or have these huge significant Christian meaning . We were asked by leadership to write a blog every week but I haven’t  because I don’t know always the words to write. At times it probably looks defiant to others. If you know me personally, I have worked really hard over the years at telling my truth, being honest, open and not performing to be validated. Ultimately, I just didn’t want to write any old thing to complete the task or create a false narrative that is glorified by others. 

I was explaining my thought process  to my teammate Rebecca. Who, I feel I can be the most transparent with. She encouraged me to just be me & tell my truth. So here it goes. 


I was placed on a team with 16 strangers. Thirteen teammates & 3 leaders are from all over the USA. Another teammate is from the Netherlands. We all are unique and from different backgrounds, churches, giftings, talents, political views, experiences, personalities, trauma, socioeconomic and races. The common denominator is we are all Christians that signed up for the WR. 

I feel sometimes people perceive the WR as a vacation. They see the highlight reel on social media of big, ah ha , God moments, our days off, fun times, exotic destinations or down time photos. The perception is, life is wonderful! We are traveling the world, volunteering, vacationing, having a blast & living our best life’s. 

Which we are ,but there’s so much more goes on behind the scenes that can be difficult to portray online. We are Living, serving, sleeping, eating – doing EVERYTHING in community.  Community is 24 hours, 7 days a week and is extremely challenging. There’s really no place to hide, be alone or do your own thing.  There’s constant clashing of personalities, ideas and expectations daily. Everyday it’s a battle to: dying to oneself,  laying down your life, picking up the cross, forgiving one another 70×7, honoring the place someone’s currently in , praying, fasting, engaging in difficult feedback sessions, calling each other higher in love and shifting our I ‘s to we’s. While also entering into each persons burdens, staying steady to God’s course, embracing the fruits and gifts of the spirit, fighting for one another and choosing God’s way of unity. We have had to shift our eyes on to what each person does well, celebrate daily our small victories, love unconditionally and open ourselves up to being interdependent. All while serving others, partnering in different ministry around the world, immersed in different cultures and trying to speak a different languages. The World Race is not for the faint at heart, but it’s worth it! 

What’s God doing in your life? Are you currently struggling in some area of your life? What does God say about it?  Is He asking you to surrender or pick up something? Feel free to share, list prayer requests or comment below;)


As you my know, I am currently in my 3rd months of The World Race and currently in Medellin Colombia. I am 78% funded and truly grateful for everyones prayer, love and support. This process has been humbling experience, group effort and I couldn’t have done it without everyone- family, friends , community & the church. I am still in need of prayer partners and financial donations. Please continue to pray for leadership, ministries, partners and teammates.We are praying into oneness in the spirit, interdependence, unity, maturity & the advancement of the Kingdom. I am also still in the process of fundraising & in need $3,784 to be fully funded. The deadline is approaching quickly. Please prayfully considering partnering with me financially. Any donation amount is so very helpful and makes a huge difference. To donate please visit https://www.adventures.org/give/donate.asp?giveto=worldrace&desc=Whitney%20Holmes&appeal_id=HOLMESWHITNEY .Follow me on FB,IG and Twitter @msholmes937. Let’s stay connected, exciting updates coming soon!

Thank you for all your love, support & kindness
