A reoccurring theme God has been showing me a lot is interdependence that He is building with Him and among my team. God as the foundation in the center of it all. I have also discovered it is a foundational principal throughout the Bible, even though the word interdependence is never used. Repeated examples of healthy interdependence in Old and New Testament has been revealed from the Garden of Eden to Revelations . It is was essential in every move of God, Jesus entire life, being a believer, advancement of the Kingdom & required for the five fold ministry to be successful. When Interdependence  is severed people get into sticky situations that almost always find themselves in sin. God has also has taken this revelation even further in my life and has shown me the importance of Interdependence in all my personal relationships: with Him,having a healthy marriage,  parenting children and maintaining friendships. It’s also essential in the church, living in community & ultimately what Jesus is coming back for in the church. Healthy interdependence is apart of every healthy relationship. 

Are you independent? What healthy interdependent relationship is God calling you into? Is there a relationship in your life where you have unhealthy interdependence that needs to be repaired? Feel free to comment below. 

I am currently in my 3rd months of The World Race and recently relocated to 
San Jose, Costa Rica serving with an amazing ministry. I am 84% funded, Praise the Lord!!!! I am so very grateful for everyones prayer, love and support. This process has been humbling experience, group effort and I couldn’t have done it without everyone- family, friends , community & the church. I am still in need of prayer partners and financial donations. Please continue to pray for leadership, ministries, partners and teammates. We want oneness in the spirit, interdependence, unity, maturity & the advancement of the Kingdom. I am also still in the process of fundraising & in need $2,920 to be fully funded. The deadline to be fully funded is the end of April. Please prayerfully considering partnering with me financially. Any donation amount is so very helpful and makes a huge difference. To donate please visit https://www.adventures.org/give/donate.asp?giveto=worldrace&desc=Whitney%20Holmes&appeal_id=HOLMESWHITNEY . Follow me on FB,IG and Twitter @msholmes937. Let’s stay connected, exciting updates on our current ministry is coming soon! Thank you for all your love, support, kindness, prayers & generosity. 

