As I began to prepare for this journey the Lord had called me to months ago I began receiving lots of support; however, one person made a remark that has stuck with me ever since. It went something like this, “this trip looks like something for someone with no life, or for someone who doesn’t have things figured out.” As I have thought about this statement over and over I cant help but to agree with what they said, just in different perspective.
Most people measure life based on the things they acquire, the amount of money they have, and the pleasure the get out of doing exciting things. Sadly most people think they have life figured out. We all like to have extravagant vacations and do fun things, but life is in no way to be measured by these things. Matthew 6;19-21 says, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” All things here on Earth will soon pass away, but the word of God WILL NOT! Just as the word of God will not pass away so a person who does the will of God will live forever. Most people have their treasure here on earth
and all they have is very temporary pleasure.
As Christians we live for Christ so to die is gain! We have turned away from the old sinful self and now Christ lives in us. So what makes this statement true is the fact that 1) I don’t have it all figured out and I never will. I do know that Jesus is the only thing worth living for and he doesn’t expect for me to have everything figured out. 2) Wes Webb does not have a life. It is no longer I that lives, but rather Christ living in me. I cannot do any good apart from him; therefore, I do not have a life. To be honest I don’t want a life if it is apart from him.
This doesn’t mean that I do not like to have fun or partake in exciting adventures; it simply means that I do not set all my desires and store my treasure in possessions. God HAS to be glorified in everything we do. Embarking on this journey does not mean I am not nervous or I know everything that will happen, in fact I’m quite nervous/excited, but I know that God will show up. He hasn’t called us to a life of comfort. He has called us to be servants! For me serving means going to serve the least of his and spreading his kingdom to the nations. God promises to never let us down as long as we are seeking him fully. There are NO halfhearted servants of God. When we realize he is the only thing worth living for he gives us the desires of our hearts and I guarantee you they look different from the ones of the old Wes Webb!