So there third village that we had a chance to go to was not so much a village but a small town. There was a ton going on here and it was the home to some of our Brazilian ministry partners. We had a chance to split into a few different groups. Some of the guys and all the girls went and did a VBS at the church while one group of guys went and played soccer with some of the guys there. Another group had a chance to go on live radio and share the Gospel with a projected 13,000 people who would be listening to the radio. It was amazing that this door even opened. God is so good!!
So we once again got humbled in soccer. A this point, we were starting to get used to being destroyed at this. After the game, Cody shared his testimony with guys and after that, Rick presented the gospel to the guys and many of them prayed to receive Christ. It was so cool.
ENTER GOSPEL BOMBS- this is a term that previously I would use to describe a situation  in which a Christian would make a gospel jab at an unbeliever in a very non-loving and grace lacking way that would really do nothing but push them away from Jesus. The term took on a very new meaning. JP, a hero in the faith for me, found these tracks and had this brilliant idea to bag up some candy, cloths, and a gospel track into this gift with a balloon attached to it, or at least an inflated zip lock bag, and scream at the top of his lungs “PRESENTA!!!” as we drove past a small home on the water or some people who were passing by on a boat. And they always came and picked up what we were dropping in the water. It was such a cool and creative way to share Christ. I think JP ended up giving away all his cloths and shoes to the people of Brazil. He really is one of the most Kingdom minded people I know. I loved watching it happen!!! Its all about KINGDOM.


The time in Brazil was amazing. We saw God do amazing things. We were given by the Holy Spirit an amazing opportunity to love on some people who had not been told of the Gospel. We grew closer as a community. We made some new friends with our Brazilian partner church. And we got to play a very tiny role in advancing the Kingdom for a very huge and glorious God in the Amazon Jungle. Who could ask for more? 
for God
for People
for the Nations
for the Kingdom