When you make a huge decision like, dropping everything you have, downsizing to a backpack and traveling through 11 countries, you constantly ask yourself, or remind yourself of why.
Why am I doing this?

Truly, I am making a decision to learn about others reality and be open to the unknown.
A decision to unleash myself from the expectations and weight of my daily reality, to dive into a simple road. An understanding that happiness will have different shapes, looks and forms.
And with the hope of humbly learning with those I´ll encounter.
And just maybe, be part of their H A P P Y

“Do you wanna build…happiness?”
by: Vivi Oliveira

There are little things that make us HAPPY.
There are big things that make us think we are HAPPY.
There are circumstances that we hope will make us HAPPY.
Happiness. Is it suppose to be heavy?
Happiness. Is it suppose to be hectic?
Happiness. Is it meant to be hopeless?
Must we be sad first?
So that we can say we know what HAPPY is?
Hit rock bottom, so you can say “compared to that, I am HAPPY”
Laugh more, work harder, focus, do what is expected of you and you will find HAPPY.

Hang on. Is there a recipe for happiness?
Hold on. Does living with purpose generates happiness?
Help. Does doing EVERYTHING right promote happiness?

Answers, I might not have them all.
True happiness. Real happiness. Complete happiness. Fully happy.
Estates that I cannot provide alone.
“Do you wanna build….happiness?”

I want to be the one others can hang on to, when everything else seems to be unH A P P Y
I want to hold those who are suffering, to maybe, just maybe be their little H A P P Y
I want to help, in any way I can my neighbor so that I can be part of someone H A P P Y