Things seemed just right (I loved my job).
Things had fallen into place (I live with people who love me, and I have made awesome friends.) But my heart was longing for more.
And there it was, the number 11 calling to me.
11 Countries in 11 Months.

October Route 2017

It is unfair to take this time back in Brazil for granted. 

As I pondered through the amazing times I had here, I came up with a list of 11 things I have learned since moving back.
They weren’t that easy to accept.
They weren’t that easy to learn, or even easy to deal with.
But, I think these 11 lessons will make the next 11 months much easier.

1. Not everyone will like you.

    • It is just what it is, and you have to be ok with this. Specially because you don´t like everyone either.  

2. People are mean.

    • And that is that. Not for a specific reason, there are just some folks who are mean. Breath and find those who appreciate you. (Remember number 1)

3. Friendship (quality not quantity).

    • This! Facebook made this concept a bit difficult to understand. But the core of it is crucial. Ensuring the quality of less friendships will result in lifelong healthy relationships.

    • And just so we are all clear, it is ok to miss people you will no longer have in your life.

4. Prioritize.

    • There is not enough time in a day, month, life to do everything you and others deem important. What you can do is prioritize and choose what is important and give your very best at those.  

5. Give yourself the luxury of alone time. Learn to love and appreciate silence.

    • Silence is a powerful tool, scary at first, but wise and a companion when allowed space to show its value.

6. Learn to accept being wrong and having to change.

    • This is hard. This is not very fun. But this is a lesson for mostly every environment in your life. Because it is ok to do something that you wish you hadn´t done, for if we don’t do those things we never grow. But always make sure to learn and take action to change.

7. Learning the Difference between Love and Infatuation.

    • Easier said than done. But it does make a whole lot of difference.

8. Take a break.

    • In whatever way you enjoy. Cooking, baking, napping, running, singing. Just allow yourself to be tired and take a timeout from reality, and expectations, and TO DO lists.

9. What you allow is what will continue.

    • There are many things that are not under our control. But there are so many things and situations that, with courage, we should be critical and take action to make stop.

10. If you want something done, and you can, DO IT, because others will not move the extra mile to do it.

    • Prioritize still, but get it done.  

11. No one has it together.

    • Even if their Social Media shows you that they do.

Returning in 2014

Returning was not the easiest, but it was a time to grow and a time of deep trust.
One of my favorite things about the next journey is that I literally have nothing to base my expectations on, and it will be wild.

For these next couple of months, the number 11 will acquire a whole new meaning, and I hope these 11 lessons will be joined by many many others I will learn as I travel the World.