Made for Jesus- John Mark Pantana 

“Cursed in the garden of paradise

You knew the pain from a Lover’s eyes

To get us back, You gave it all

Filled in the likeness of flesh on earth

You bore the Cross that we deserved

You’ve gotten down on one knee

Spirit’s breathing, now I’m living

We’ve been married, now I’m seeing

What I was made for

I was made for heaven

I was made for Jesus” 


Hello Beautiful People! 


A few things the Lord has taught (or retaught) me over the past few weeks. I was made for Jesus- to surrender to Him daily through my heart, mind, soul, and spirit. To love others as Jesus loves me. Forgive others as He so mercifully forgives me. Have a heart full of grace as His heart has an infinite unfailing amount of grace for me. To be the literal hands and feet of Jesus as the Holy Spirit works/ speaks through me. The power that the lyric “spirits breathing, now I’m living” holds is immaculate. Day after day the Lord is shaping me into who He created me to be through His beautiful GRACE. And to think that this journey never ends, that there is always MORE makes my spirit soo full of hunger and fire for the Lord. THANK YOU YAHWEH! 


My beautiful team is made up of 4 other girls, whom I have the privilege of growing in the Lord with, and serving with these next 9 months. As I was reading through John 15 the word “remain” kept coming to my attention. John 15:5 says “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” How the Lord remains in us- we must remain in Him! When we were asked to pick a team name the Lord kept putting the word remain on my heart. As the bible was originally written in Hebrew, my team I started doing some research. To our joy we discovered the word “Yashab” which means to dwell, remain, sit, and abide. As a team we hope to remain in the Lord so we can bear an abundance of His fruit. We also hope to dwell in the Lord’s presence now, without fear of the future! 

Team Yashab

Top: Maddie (my wonderful team leader), Emily 

Bottom: Beth, Gracie, Me 🙂


A day in the Life 

7:30- Wake up in my cozy tent 

8 – Breakfast as a squad 

9- Quiet time with the Lord 

10- Worship or Teaching 

11- Teaching, either someone on my leadership team will teach or they will bring a guest speaker in. (This week we had very powerful teachings on Being the Church, Honor, Vulnerability with the Lord, Surrendering Daily, Law vs. Grace, Spirit of conviction vs. Shame, and Forgiveness) 

12:30- Lunch 

1:30- rotations (Squad bonding time, showers, cleaning the campus, hand washing clothes, exercise) 

3:30- Free Time (sometimes worship, writing blogs, painting, playing games, or quiet time with the Lord) 

5:30- Dinner 

6:30- Team time (we are currently studying the book of Matthew) 

7:30- Phones returned, sometimes worship, free time until lights out at 10pm 🙂


We actually received amazing news a few days ago stating that my team and I will be leaving the base camp in Georgia in a few weeks to partner with Samaritans Purse. We will be serving in a different state (still a surprise to us) for disaster relief- while being able to share the Gospel. Prayers were answered to be able to serve and share the good news sooner than expected- YAY! 


 My Squad!                                                Home!


So thankful and humbled by all of your continued prayers and financial support

