I woke up exhausted Sunday.
The type of exhausted that makes you roll, fall, out of bed. You then find yourself on the floor almost half asleep still. You try and convince yourself that its worth it to sit up at least. You sit up and flop back against the side of the bed and just wait for the light from the window to hit your eyes and hopefully make your brain realize that it is, in fact, morning, the start of another day.
Now you may not have experienced that exact scenario step by step but I know that you probably have experienced waking up exhausted, yearning for rest, or strength, which ever comes first.
I had just finished a six day work week at my new job, I now work at a grocery store called Publix, and had completed three tests this past week at UNA. Sometimes you don’t know you’re tired until you stop. I was just getting my brain to realize that it was awake when I received a message from a friend, it read,
“Hey, I had a dream about you last night, you were in the hospital and had just given birth to a baby and your mom was in the room with you. Your poop had gotten on her somehow while giving birth. I didn’t see the baby so I assumed it was in the nursery.”
Great, another poop story for me to have, I thought. (The others may not be appropriate to write about for a blog but ask me about them later.)
My friend went on to say that maybe God is birthing something new in my life. My barely aware brain was like, “okay, cool,” as I got ready for church. I drove to church pulled into the parking spot, seeing as I was about five minutes early, which is rare for me I pulled the seat back and laid in my car contemplating sleeping out in the car not wanting to face people, and music, and the happy that was going on inside. I prayed to God for something from him, just to sit with him and receive whatever he has for this day.
I made it inside and found myself awake to the beauty of God as we praised him, as I listened to my pastor the message reminded me of the dream my friend had, a dream of rebirth. The message was in renewal, holiness, being set apart, regeneration of Holy Spirit. I raised my hand at the end for prayer to receive something new and fresh from Holy Spirit.
The scrub of my toothbrush on my teeth after lunch that day did nothing to stop the realization that occurred from Holy Spirit after church; Today was March 1st . March 1st is exactly, to the day, NINE MONTHS* after I first arrived home from the race. I got home June 1st and nine months later here I am, brushing my teeth and having the Lord birth something in me.
This new thing that the Lord is doing is his and his alone. So, Ill be un-camouflaged and marked for his Glory as he brings about new life through me for others.
*it takes nine months to grow and birth a baby, for those that the revelation was lost on,