We were asked to write a blog about how we were called to this mission trip. Here is my story…
I have never pictured myself as a missionary or someone who would have such a desire to serve in other countries. God has really prepared my heart over the years for this aspect of ministry. In high school I went on the missions trip to Mexico twice to serve at an orphanage called Rancho De Sus Ninos. I had such a blast both of the times there and enjoyed ever aspect of it. I never really gave any thought to pursuing missions as a career. There was one time in high school I wanted to go to Africa but my parents weren’t too excited about the idea so I just kind of let it go.
It wasn’t until college that I got really restless at home. I was longing for adventure and to be used by God in more radical ways. I heard about a team that was forming in church to go to Africa. I started pursuing the idea and had such a huge desire to go to Africa. After hearing about the dates, I wasn’t able to go because it conflicted with a major part of my job/ministry at my church with the youth. I was sort of bummed but then I heard about a trip they were taking to Romania. At first I wasn’t that excited but decided to run with it because I really felt that God wanted me to serve in another country that summer. I eventually committed to Romania after much prayer and consideration.
The trip to Romania changed my heart drastically. God opened my eyes to a world that I had never known. Prayer became all the more real to me as I experienced God answering them in so many ways. I longed for God to reveal himself in so many ways and I was in such awe when he did. Romania awakened my heart to my desire for  missions and bringing hope to this lost world. The next few months after that I felt so pulled towards doing something more. Seeing if God really wanted this for my life. God began a great preparation in my heart for what was to come as he is still preparing me now. 
I started pursuing more opportunities for the next summer. I also felt more called to the Latin American countries.  I wanted something longer to see if this was something that the Lord wanted for me, if I could handle it and if I was called to serve in Latin America. I found a couple of options for the summer (one of which was through Adventures in Missions) and began praying about them. Knowing me I went back and forth as to what I should do for this and which route I should take. One day I decided to check out their statement of faith for each program to make sure they were Biblically sound and I stumbled on The World Race site. With my huge longing for adventure and the Lord I was automatically sucked into this. I couldn’t believe that I could go to 11 countries in 11 months all in the same trip.
The next few weeks to a month I was so sucked into the site. I would visit almost everyday I would come home and dive into the blogs and videos of the world racers. I began to get excited because I really felt a tug on my heart for this trip.  It seemed only perfect for me because I got to serve in many different countries and I desired to be challenged and experience the Lord in so many ways. And again, knowing me I went through a process of many

scenarios as to how this could fit into my life schedule. I sought my friends advice and my mentor. It was a hard process because I wasn’t sure if this was God’s plan in preparing my heart for the idea of serving in missions or that I was actually suppose to do this. But my desire for this particular trip never went away and only got stronger and stronger. I decided that it was time to apply. After much debate as to which date to apply, I finally decided to apply for January 2010 because it would be after graduation. I still wasn’t 100% sure if this was for me, all I knew was that God wanted me to apply. I finally applied and was accepted! I knew this was God’s answer for me. I was suppose to go on The World Race. 

There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about the adventure that I am going to experience. Despite what people may tell me about how they may not agree or don’t want me to go, I know with all of my heart that this is where God wants me for now. I hope and pray that this trip awakens my heart to the calling that God has on my life, whether missions or not!