We all say we would take a bullet for someone. We would willingly die heroically. But, would we live sacrificially for them? Would we daily die to self to love them? In reality, that’s far more challenging. A one-time action, fatal as it may be, is easy in comparison to repeatedly laying yourself aside for the sake of another person.
I’ve lived with people 24/7 for almost 11 months now. That means basically zero alone time. We don’t always get along. We have our issues and quirks. We annoy each other. We hurt each other.
Friendships are hard. Loving people is hard. Why? Because love takes sacrifice. Now, I’m not talking about becoming a doormat.* In fact, quite the opposite. Love is not there to be walked over. It stands up and fights for what’s right, but also kneels down to serve in the lowliest position. Sacrificial love requires the toughest, yet also, most humble strength.
Love sacrifices its comfort by boldly speaking the truth and calling others higher.
Love sacrifices its pride by vulnerably communicating feelings, needs, and faults.
Love sacrifices its desires by choosing to see and meet others’ needs.
Love sacrifices its right to vengeance by overlooking offenses and forgiving.
It’s this kind of love that I’ve seen in my teammates on the World Race. A love that is willing to take the bullet, but more importantly, is willing to live sacrificially for each other. We don’t do it perfectly. We’ve messed up pretty badly more than once, and yet, love has won every time. Thanks to Christ’s example of love and the Holy Spirit within us, we have worked through our conflicts and made it out even more united.
Strangers notice this supernatural love. It doesn’t make sense to them, and yet, it draws them. They desire the depth of connection only found in the love Jesus offers.
It’s this kind of love the world needs to see. They don’t need an eloquently spoken gospel, beautiful churches, or a 5-step program. They already have those. It’s not working. We shouldn’t be surprised by that. Jesus didn’t tell us to offer any of those things. He told us He would be known by the way we love others.
“By this, all people will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:35
Whoa. That’s a big statement. Jesus should be clearly seen by unbelievers because of the way believers are loving each other. Is that true in your family, community, or church? Does the world know Jesus because of the way you love others? Are you willing to live a life of love?
If Christians aren’t loving supernaturally, we’re doing something wrong.
*I want to be clear that there are necessary boundaries to set. Loving sacrificially does not give others the freedom to abuse you. If you find yourself in an abusive situation, getting the appropriate help is vital.