James 4:14
Why do you not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a must that appears for a little while and then vanishes.

Death… That is something that we as humans can’t fully understand. It sucks. It hurts. No one likes to even think about the possibility of death. It hits you hard when you hear about someone dying. Doesn’t matter how much or how little I know them. I don’t deal with death well. Especially when that person means a lot to someone close to you.

The other day I was able to FaceTime with my family. I found out news that no body likes to hear. Especially when it’s been a while since you have talked to them in person. Two of my sister, Jenna’s friends were killed in a car accident. Both of them meant a lot to her. When I heard the news it made me question a lot. Did they know the Lord? Why can’t I be there to comfort her. Why them? Then in that moment, God brought James 4:14 to my mind. He then wanted me to reflect on my life. After I reflected on my life, I realized that while I am on the Race and on that I need to live my life to the fullest. Who knows the when it will be my time that the Lord calls me home. I want to live my life as if I am going to die at any moment. I need to put 110% into my ministry here on the race. I need to be bold in sharing Gods love and grace with as many people as I can. No more of this half hearted crap. I’ve known this verse for a long time and haven’t done much about it. This is my time to actually do something about it instead of thinking about it.

Please be in prayer for my sister, the families, and friends of Earnie and Shane.

Rest in peace boys.

Blessings, Victoria

I am still trying to raise the money to meet my next deadline that is in February. If I don’t meet it then I will have to go home. I need about $900 by the middle of February. Would you please consider donating? Or pray that the funding will come in?