Now that you’re all singing the song from High School Musical…

I just need to tell you all about my squad.

My squad is the group of people I get to go do this wild journey called the World Race with. I’ve been in a group chat with them since getting accepted in November. And let me tell you…I can not wait to do life with these people.

I’ve talked to a few of them on the phone and we text all the time. I’ve even gotten to meet one of my squadmates in person this past weekend. These people are my people and I seriously am so blown away at the ways we all get to encourage one another and pray for one another, with one another.

To give you an example of how my squad came together…

One of our squadmates ended up leaving our squad because things just weren’t lining up for her to go, so she switched to a trip to Ecuador, still with AIM (Adventures in Missions). Her deadline was coming up in a week or so, and she was getting a little concerned. She had about $300 left to raise. Word got into the group message that our old squadmate needed help and our squad pulled together. Her trip is now fully funded. And I believe that God put her on our squad originally SO that he could use us to bless her in this way. So that she could see that He is always on her side.

We are all in the middle of fundraising for this BIG, WILD journey that is the World Race, but we were willing to lay down some of our finances to help send our friend on her own journey. I don’t say this to boast or brag about how great we are. I say this to boast and brag about how great our GOD is. He had us all in this squad for a reason. A small reason being that we could help send our friend out to be the hands and feet of Jesus in Ecuador for a month. What a gift for us to be able to send her.

She’s going to do incredible things, and I’m excited that we will get to watch her journey right before we get to go to training camp. God has given us all so much, and sometimes its easy to start holding on. But I think we’re supposed to let go. This verse sticks with me often when talking about money and finances. 

“Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”-Matthew 6:21

We are all here temporarily. We live on borrowed time, but I am thankful for the time I have to pour into others. To tell them that their lives and pain and stories matter. That they aren’t just a nobody, but a somebody, and that they were created for a reason, for a purpose. That their story isn’t over, but just beginning. That there are characters in their story. Characters they haven’t met yet, but characters that will make things better, that there are better and brighter days ahead. Jesus loves them, and me, and you, and that is so wild and beautiful. That the Creator of the Universe cares about you, loves you, and went through a lot of pain to call you His own. I hope you know that. I hope you know that, believe that, own that, and walk in that confidence. That you are known and loved, and that is no small thing.

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”-John 10:10