1%. I’m 1/100th of the way to the goal. It’s been one week. GUYS, THIS IS INCREDIBLE!!!

Normally, I’d bee looking at this number thinking, “This is nothing. This is so small. How will I ever hit my end goal?”

WELL. Here’s the thing…God is so much bigger than the funds I need for this trip. This is one of the first times I’ve felt 100% called to something. I have zero doubt that I am called to this. Too many things have lined up that have enabled me to go.

Speaking of things lining up…

How many times a day do we minimize God? How many times do we pray prayers, asking for rescue, asking for peace, asking for comfort, and when we get it..we MINIMIZE what God has done for us?

We minimize Jesus in so many ways. To be transparent, I didn’t think I’d get accepted to the Race. I started praying at the very end of September, asking God to provide the application fee. Lo and behold, there was a promo code the night of the route reveal. I thought, “Oh, sweet! Thanks, Jesus.” Then thought…eh, it was all by coincidence, it was just luck. But still, I put my application in. I then got to the phone interview. After hanging up, my first thought was, “Maybe God was just seeing if I would follow through and apply. Maybe I won’t end up going.” BUT THEN I GOT ACCEPTED AND HOLY COW, GUYS, I’LL GET TO SERVE PEOPLE IN 11 DIFFERENT COUNTRIES. It wasn’t until I was accepted that this all started setting in. I need to stop minimizing what God does for me. I need to realize that God is big. He’s bigger than whatever I have to do, whatever I need to get through. This doesn’t mean I sit and wait. It means I pray and take action, knowing that God is with me, that I must have faith and know that God will provide. 1% seems small to most people. But, I will also quote Steven Furtick here and say this: There is great power in small beginnings. And greatly look forward to watching God to continue to show up through this journey leading up to, and on the Race.

All of this being said–I’m wrapping up my support letter tonight and I’m so stoked to get them printed and pray over them to send them out. I know this is going to be a lot of work, that it’s going to take a lot of time, but friends…it’s going to be so worth it.

I know this journey will continue to stretch me and at times it will get hard. However, I know there are so many people who God will use to continually encourage me and build me up with those times hit.

Thank you all endlessly for your support, whether that be in prayer or helping me stuff envelopes with letters or financially, I am so excited to share this journey with you all!!!

Peace and blessings,
