This month, I was on an agriculture team in eSwatini (formerly known as Swaziland), Africa.
Tuesday through Friday, our ministry lead, Justice, would pick us up at the homestead and walk with us to the nearby community garden to do some work.
What we did varied every day. Some days we weeded part of the field. Some days we planted. Some days we hoed rows. It’s been a beautiful thing to be a part of.
On the first day we went to plant, Justice was giving us instructions on what we were doing.
“One or two, two or one, but not zero.”
I pondered this over for a long time. I’ve been learning a lot about seeds, planting, and harvesting in scripture, as I mentioned in a previous blog post. I asked the Lord what the significance of “One or two, two or one, but not zero” was.
Wouldn’t ya know, He answered me a few days later.
I was reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan when I got my answer. Chan was quoting Isaiah 58 in chapter 7 of his book. It’s talking about a well-watered garden and the answer came: every day, plant one or two seeds. Plant a little every day, and the harvest will come.
I asked for more. Plant some seeds in your own life. Read My Word, and then go plant that seed in someone else on your team or squad. Also, just go love people and plant seeds in them. Tell them about My Love, tell them they matter to me. That I died for them. Tell them they’re worthy and loved.
No day had looked the same sense. I now spread this challenge to you, the reader.
Every day, be in the Word. Talk to someone about what you learned in the Word that day. And then just go love on people, planting seeds in Jesus’ name. Watch them grow, in other’s lives, and in your own.