(Volcanoe in the background. Musanze, Rwanda)
One thing I learned in Rwanda was what a “heart of worship” was all about. In church they worshiped for at least as long as the sermon would last. They worshiped dancing, jumping, screaming, and singing. It didn’t matter if they had a baby strapped to their back or how old they were, everyone was dancing and praising God. The freedom was beautiful. God gave me a freedom in worship I have never experienced before. Rwanda was a blessed month.
After 42 hours on 3 different buses we arrived to Mpeketoni, Kenya. It is a small town. It seems to be in the middle of nowhere. Although it’s only 7 miles from the beach, there are no resorts or tourist spots. The beach is all ours.
Our ministry here is door-to-door evangelism, hospital visit for prayer, small groups in the evenings, and preaching at the local church. Every evening after dinner we get together with our contacts for a short time of fellowship. I love this idea and it has been a blessing already. We worship, pray, and share a message. I would encourage you to have an evening fellowship at your home. It’s a blessing to come together as a family and close out the day focused on the Lord.
So far Africa has been so good. The people are welcoming, the children are adorable, everything is so green, and there are reptiles everywhere. We found two chameleons on the first day! Yesterday I went for a run and next thing I know I have three random children running with me!
Please continue to pray for the team (health, endurance, boldness, passion)
and for our marriage (grace, patience, hope, strength).
(Indian ocean on the coast of East Kenya)