I visited a beautiful church today.
I walked into a simple room – tile floor, concrete walls painted in yellow and a tin roof.
But I knew God was there

There was no projector, a simple white board was used.
There was no stage, a rug marked the place where the bang played.
But I knew God was there

The band started playing in Khmer, a worship band that looked more like a garage band.
As I stood clapping my hand in worship (since it’s the most I could do without knowing the language) I could feel the sweat running down my back.
There was no air-conditioning. Only open windows and four fans to share.
But I knew God was there

The smell in the air switched back and forth between gasoline and sewage.
Church is at 3 pm so the sunlight comes through the open-air windows.
Sheets are hung instead of curtains.
There were no pretty wooden benches, just simple blue plastic chairs to take their place.
God was there.

It was a beautiful church. Not filled with stuff but filled with God and God’s people.
There were no distractions, no other reason to come together but to glorify God.

Time after time on the race I’ve experience simple living and I realize the abundance I have.
The question that goes through my head: Do I really need all the things I have?
If what we have is necessary and is a blessing from God, then do we really appreciate it?

It’s okay to not have much.
It almost seems like the less you have the less you have to deal with.
If you can learn to love and appreciate little, you don’t need much.
It’s liberating and God is still here.

“ Whoever loves money never has money enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income. This too is meaningless “  Ecclesiastes 5:10

Sunday Church