After a few days full of packing, seeing famil and friends, and running last minute errands, I finally sat down to write again!
So as I sit here, mentally exhausted from this week, but filled with excitement for the next few days, I start to remember snapshots of days that led up to this moment.
I remember coming back from Africa last year and telling everyone that I wanted to do the Race. I remember weighing that decision and some other options a few months afterward. I remember sitting with my microchurch and talking about how I’d just applied for the Race and their overwhelming love and support. I remember meeting Courtney, one of my teammates, and drinking coffee as random people handed us free tumblers that day. I remember moments of freaking out about how in the world I was going to raise that much money. I remember some sweet last days of spring, spent with good friends, each of us so close to that next season in life. I remember summer days spent with the kiddos I love so much. I remember goodbye parties and tears and our last this and our last that.
And looking back on each of these memories, I’m reminded of the Lord’s steady faithfulness. No matter what season in life it is, no matter how great a Christian I am, his goodness never changes. Because no matter how far away or how close to him I get, he is still great and powerful and his love for me is still enormous. Nothing I can do could ever make him love me any less or any more. His love is already exceedingly abundant and extravagant. Which is such great news! I’m glad I serve a God who doesn’t need to rely on me, because here’s a secret: I don’t always get it right.
As I head out into the unknown (well, Cambodia actually), I’m glad the Lord is reminding me of this truth. I am sure there will be times when it’s hard for me to love or when it’s hard for others to love me- that’s life. I know there will be days when things are boring or frustrating or filled with homesickness, because truthfully, being a missionary doesn’t mean every day is a perfect scene from a movie.
But I also know that my God has me on this crazy adventure because he plans to do some amazing things in my life, in the lives of my teammates and in those whom we will meet around the world. I believe he is faithful in ALL circumstances and he has good plans for us, even when we look around us and wonder what in the world he is doing. I can tell because I’ve been there before and have seen the work he has done. It will be good, I promise.
There’s part of a worship song, and to be honest I don’t even know where it’s from, but it simply says,
“It’s gonna be worth it,
It’s gonna be worth it,
It’s gonna be worth it all.”
And I love it. Whether I’m saying goodbyes, anxiously wondering how to live out of a backpack abroad for a year, trying to navigate team leading, overwhelmingly excited to see my squad again, stressed to get every last errand done, or resting long enough to finally feel his peace- Jesus is in it all. He says his love (and grace) is perfectly sufficient for me. Sometimes things will get a little rough, but no matter what comes my way, he will go before me and follow after me.
And he says the best part is – It’s gonna be worth it all.
“Your grace is sufficient for me. You power is made perfect in my weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9
UPDATE as of Sept. 5th:
Travel: My family and I arrived in Atlanta late yesterday for Launch, which will include extra training for Racers, fun stuff for parents, and last goodbyes. Then, my squad and I fly out of Atlanta sometime early next week, beginning our journey to Cambodia. Once we land in the capital of Cambodia, Phnom Penh, my team and I will travel to Siem Reap, which is about a 7 hour bus ride. Then we’ll jump into ministry, teaching English at a Christian school.
Funds: I am about 57% supported, which means I still need about $6,000 in order to be fully funded. My next deadline is $11,000 by December 1st. If you would like to donate, you can do so through the ‘Support Me’ link on the left of this page.
Thank you to everyone for your prayers and financial support, I couldn’t do it without you! You all have made this journey possible, and I can’t wait to update you with everything the Lord does this year. May God bless you all!