We got picked up at the airport around lunch time. No baggage though, because somehow 39 hiking backpacks were mistakenly still at the Miami airport. But no worries- I actually felt a ton of peace about it. It may have something to do with being here. Honduras is accurately called the murder capital of the world, but for some reason, I sensed the Lord’s presence and His peace. His Spirit is stirring in this place and I immediately felt comfort.
I think it also has something to do with Gracie. Although she isn’t my team’s set contact for the month, she has already jumped into the role of World Race mom. Our God is really cool like that- this first week of May is the Parent Vision Trip, where many of our squadmates are with their parents, who have the opportunity to be a part of our Race and spend a week doing ministry with their kids. For those of us whose parents couldn’t come for various reasons, we are spending that time with Gracie. And what a blessing it has been.
We were told Gracie was a World Race “favorite” and I can see why. She does everything here. When the Bible talks about ministering to orphans and widows, they should put a picture of Gracie and her husband Lee next to it. When you hear about people rescuing women and children from the sex trafficking industry around the world, that’s her everyday job. When you wonder where young pregnant girls go to find refuge, or where kids with special needs can find a home when orphanage after orphanage has turned them away, everyone knows Gracie’s door is wide open. And when you need to know anything about the legal system of Honduras, she got it all memorized, because she’s been doing investigations and prosecuting for years. Everyone here knows her so well that whenever there’s a child or woman in trouble, Gracie is always the first person anyone is sent to.
Gracie and Lee have not only taken care of our physical needs, but they’ve also been an encouragement to us spiritually. Their story is incredible and they eagerly tell stories of God’s faithfulness, while living with a humility that is astonishing. They have had a million World Race and Gap Year teams and so they know the ropes, and want to support us in any way they can. And just by the way they live, they have already amazed me and have taught me so much in such a little amount of time. The love and care they show to the beautiful women and children that live here is overwhelming. They call them family, and I’d say that’s the only word that could perfectly describe it.
Unfortunately my team is only staying this first week, which after just a few days with this family is heart-wrenching. I’ve already come to love this ministry and the women and children here, and everyday feel the Lord’s presence in this place. But even though we’re leaving soon, I know the Lord brought us here for so many reasons. Like to give us a mind-blowing welcome to Honduras. Or to re-ignite a righteous fire in us at the injustice of human trafficking around the world. Or maybe it was to remind us of the simple instructions Jesus gave us to care for orphans and widows. Whether for these reasons or others I have yet to discover, I have a sense that Honduras is offering up great adventure and encounters with the Holy Spirit that our souls have been hungering for since we stepped off the plane.
Jesus is here in Honduras. It’s so evident. He and His workers are bringing life and healing and salvation, and it’s overwhelmingly beautiful. The lost are being found and the sick healed and we get to be a part of it, which is unbelievable.
The first day when we drove from the airport with Gracie in her pickup truck, windows rolled down, our backpacks piled in the back (along with some of our teammates), we asked her some introductory questions. Most of us knew little to nothing about her or her ministry yet; we were so clueless. Then, after discovering just a bit about what she was doing here, someone asked her a question that stuck with me, and accurately describes this place:
“What is your favorite thing about Honduras and your ministry?”
“About Honduras? The people. And about the ministry? The rescue.”
Update 1: Hola! I’m in Central America! My squad has now settled in Honduras after leaving behind amazing new friends and wonderful memories in Europe. I also have a new team this month- “En Fuego!” We have the awesome opportunity to be the Unsung Heroes team this month, which means our focus is to seek out potential new contacts for the World Race. We’ve already seen Jesus provide like crazy for us; it’s as if His perfect plan has basically been lain out before us, without any effort from us. After an amazing first week, we can’t wait to see what the next few weeks look like! Please pray for safety as we will probably be traveling around a lot, and divine appointments to figure out where we’ll be staying each night, as well opportunities to make new contacts! Month 9, look out!!
Update 2: I am fully funded for the World Race!! Thank you to everyone who has supported me, financially and in prayer. Since the beginning I have been overwhelmed by how God supplies all needs, and how He chose to use each of you to partner with me in this journey. It has been an experience of a lifetime and the Lord has taught me so much and grown me in ways I didn’t think was possible. And it’s because of YOUR support. Thank you. Love you all!