Hey Y’all!
As I’m closing in on my first fundraising deadline tomorrow, I wanted to give you an update! For tomorrow’s deadline, I am required to have $3,500 in my account… And guess what!? I made it!! Hooray!!
Not only was I able to meet this first deadline, but YOU have helped me surpass it! That’s right- by the Lord’s provision and through your support, WE have raised enough to ensure that I can continue on this journey. So here’s some current numbers (updated as of 6/27/14):
Total funds needed: $16,255
Funds raised so far: $5,216
Funds still needed: $11,039
(This means I am about 32% funded! Woo!)
I want to take this opportunity to sincerely thank each and every one of you for all you have done to support me! The Lord has shown me through you all that when we are in his will and pursuing what he has planned for us, he really does show up. He provides where he calls. Not only that, I am overwhelmed that you would be willing to give of yourself and your finances to support me in this journey. However, it’s not really me your investing in- you’re investing in the work Jesus will do THROUGH me to impact the people around the world. Which is even more exciting. So, thank you!
I want to be transparent about where I am in the fundraising process, as I know so many of you are wondering how it’s going (or how in the world it will be done), so I’ve added a funding status bar at the top of my blog. As funds are deposited into my account, I will update this status as soon as possible. This way, you will be able to easily see the needs I still have for the Race as I continue to prepare for this trip. I hope to one day be able to completely fill that bar, marking my fully funded status!
If you haven’t yet had the chance to support my World Race, it is certainly not too late! My next deadline is in mid-August, where I am require to have $7,500 in my account. This date is two weeks before Launch and this deadline ensures I have enough funds to leave at the beginning of September with my Squad!
To give financially, please click on the Support Me tab on the left sidebar of this blog. If you have any questions or would like to hear more about my World Race story, feel free to browse this blog, or contact me directly.
And lastly… If you need more reason to believe that the Race is an incredible Jesus experience, watch this video!