What a whirlwind Training Camp was! One week later, and I am finally able to sit down and write about this whole experience. And yet how in the world do I wrap up one of the most stretching, growing, exhausting, yet absolutely wonderful weeks into a few short paragraphs?

I can’t! But I can give you a few of the invaluable lessons I picked up while spending what felt like a few weeks with some of the most amazing people I’ve ever met, forty of which I get to share an entire year with. So here goes…

Number One: When they say that your squad becomes your family, it’s absolutely true. Jesus could not have hand picked a more perfect squad than my beloved L Squad. There is something utterly exceptional about a group of individuals who not only desires to see God move, but also who loves you like family. And this squad does both.

Number Two: God wants to stretch me and bring me closer to him. I have the unique opportunity experience this through Team Leading. After a week of submission to whatever in the world God wanted to use me for during this Race, He offered the chance to lead a group of fantastic women into the mission field. And I accepted it, knowing that the only possible way I could do so would be through His strength and grace- a lot of it. I know I have a lot to learn, but I am overjoyed by this opportunity to serve alongside these seven beautiful, strong, and talented women of God as we head into our first month in Cambodia.

Number Three: Less truly is more. I realized I have a lot, I use a lot, and I waste a lot. As I carried my huge hiking backpack around all weekend, I thought about all the things I brought that were unnecessary. As I bucket showered, I realized how much extra time I spent in real showers at home. As I walked everywhere and enjoyed being outdoors, I realized how much I miss out on the beauty of nature these days. As I was completely unconnected with the outside world, I was reminded how rich and meaningful conversations can be when someone’s phone isn’t glued to their hand or vibrating in their pocket. And I thoroughly enjoyed each of these moments.

Number Four: Worship how you want. I experienced some of the most freeing and exciting and deep worship during this week. I think it may have had to do with the expectancy factor- we all expected that God would show up, we didn’t doubt it and we were ready for it. More than that, we wanted more of Him and when He showed up, it didn’t matter if you had both hands in the air, dancing and singing as loud as you could, or if you were silent and still before Him. Because no matter how you worship Him, He sees only your heart.

Number Five: I made it out alive. I discovered I can survive the wilderness (somewhat) and I actually enjoyed it. But deeper than that, I was reminded that when you trust Him, he takes care of the little things- the things we so often stress about or the things we can sometimes blow out of proportion. I was reminded that my God loves me a whole lot more than I could ever know and He cares for me just like He cares for the birds and the flowers and every other person on earth. Because He created us; He’s our Father. And our Father takes care of us and loves to give us good gifts.

As I begin my last month of preparation for the Race, I would love some prayer from y’all! Here are some main points:
– Fundraising support: Almost halfway there! Woo! If you would like to help me financially with this mission, please click on the Support Me tab to the left of this page!
– Getting all last minute errands and to-do lists finished so I can leave with everything settled stateside
– Enjoying sweet time with family and friends
– Prepared hearts and minds of my squad, and also those to whom we will be ministering to in Cambodia and elsewhere
– Safe travels! We begin Launch on September 5th and after some extra training, fly out a few days later!

Thank you everyone who is supporting me, whether that’s financially or through prayer! I am so humbled and amazed by your encouragement, and grateful to share this journey with you!

Love y’all!