My dear almost 7-year-old friend and I have started playing a new game each day after I pick her up from school. She calls it 10 questions. Basically, she becomes the interviewer and asks me 10 random questions and I answer them. Then we swap roles and I get to ask her any 10 questions I choose. At first this game may not seem as interesting as say, CandyLand or Animal Bingo (the most common games we play these days) but honestly it has become one of my favorites lately.

Therefore, in honor of my most recent favorite way to get to know someone, I figured I’d tell you some things about me. This is for my awesome squad mates, wonderful supporters, and even the friends who know me well. So, here is 10 questions, World Race style with…. 11 Questions!

1. Where do you live?
I am originally from Loxahatchee, FL (South Florida), where I live with my Mom, Dad, and younger sister, Jessica. However, for the past four years (and for about two more months) I have called Gainesville, FL my home, as I recently graduated from the University of Florida. (Go Gators!)

2. What are your goals for the World Race?
To see Jesus move. To be a vessel for his love and truth, so that others may come to know and love him. To serve and to love my squad, and those we will minister to. To learn more about the life the Lord has for me and become more like him each day.

3. What countries are you most excited about?
This is SO hard. One of my favorite things about this route is that it touches 4 continents! So I’m most excited to experience the vastly different cultures around the world. I am incredibly interested in visiting Eastern Europe because I’ve recently heard about some great mission work going on there, but I’ve also heard amazing things about Asia and I can’t wait to see what that’s all about! Even though I’m not headed back to Rwanda, I’m thrilled to be returning to Africa, and I am even more excited to practicar el Espanol en Centroamerica!

4. What are you most anxious about?
I’m most anxious about sickness because it is one of my least favorite things in the world, for good reason! I am praying for protection from it, but I know it is probably inevitable as we will be in so many new environments, eating unique foreign foods, and traveling often. Good thing our Father is an expert in healing! I would definitely love extra prayer for health over my team and I during this journey.

5. Would you describe yourself as more introverted or extroverted?
Introverted. I love people, being around them and getting to know them, but I also like time to myself to unplug and recharge. Nevertheless, I’m beyond excited to meet my squad in person and get to know each and every one of you!

6. What do you like to do for fun?
Spend time with friends, be outdoors, swing, people-watch, watch movies, read, play games, & eat delicious food (especially dessert).

7. What are your favorite movies?
Frozen, Tangled, & It’s A Wonderful Life.

8. What are your favorite foods?
Mac n’ cheese, edamame, watermelon, & chocolate.

9. What makes you happy?
Quality time with friends, quality time with Jesus, kids being adorable (aka all kids, all the time), chocolate chip cookies (or anything containing chocolate), & warm hugs.

10. What do you not like?
Cold showers, wet feet, grumpiness, & lizards. (I know I will definitely have to lay down myself for more than one of these during the Race!)

11. (Courtesy of a certain 7-year-old) If you had a lobster, would you give away or would you keep it?
I would give it away; I don’t like seafood and lobsters aren’t much fun to play with!

Thanks to my dear friend for inspiring this post! I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit more about me. I hope to be able to write some more posts with 11 new things that are going on in my life as I start the Race. So if you think of anything you’d particularly like to hear about, let me know!
