Hello all! My name is Valerie, but most people call me Val. I am finishing up my first year of college at UW Milwaukee, changing my major twice so far from Natural Resources to Special Needs Early Childhood Education. I love spending time with family and friends, and blaring country and alternative rock music from my redneck truck. I enjoy spending my pastime hiking, kayaking, and pretty much anything outdoors. My passion in life is working with children, having extensive experience with infants and toddlers from my job at the daycare on campus and the 4 families I regularly babysit for. Growing up in a Christian household all my life, my walk with God has only quickened with feverish passion to fulfill His plans for me. I whole-heartedly trust the Lord for whatever He has in store for me, but at this time in my life, I feel like I am in a rut with college, studying, and work. Always busy busy busy with limited time to pursue Gods hand in my life. Attending an empowerment training through the organization I volunteer at, I was posed with the task of communicating out loud my entire life story in 5 minutes, a task to which many complained was “impossible” with the given time restraint- I however, finished my story with 3 minutes to spare. It was the first time in my life I genuinely felt I needed a change and God was calling me to use my passion for children to grow His kingdom and to grow me in Him. Having worked multiple jobs at once since the age of 14 (primarily babysitter, maid, and gardener), I was all too aware of finances and the value of money, but I never understood how people could term themselves successful by finances alone. My definition of success is living by the will of God- accepting every challenge He confronts me with, and in the end, sharing the love of Christ with others. As I sat studying and stressing about the the papers I had to write and the debates I had to prepare for, I felt God guiding me to grow in Him. As I prayed for his guidance, He led me to the World Race. My cousin did the 11 month World Race in 2013, so I was familiar with the organization. Was this His will for me? I filled out the application, had the interviews, and was accepted to do the World Race-Semester; however, I am REALLY late in pursuing this life-changing adventure, originally being accepted for the 9 month Gap Year program, but recently changing to this equally exciting opportunity! So I am jumping in with both feet and trusting God with all my heart. I am so excited to reap the benefits of the experiences the World Race has to offer to grow in Christ and broaden my understanding of needs around the world. I wish to use the skills and concepts I have learned to interact with children in a meaningful way and develop relationships with families through the introduction of the Gospel. Through this experience, I hope to exploit the talents God has given me to make a difference by sharing Gods incomprehensible love with others. My 3 month journey takes me to Thailand and Cambodia. I cannot do this alone. I need lots of prayers and support. With any missions journey, there is a cost. As I go forward, I will be keeping you updated with my fundraising and how God is guiding me. If you feel a calling to support me, I would be very appreciative. Here’s to giving God all the glory!