This is a tribute to Team CLO & the rest of Gap R

About 2 months ago I got my World Race calling, through Team CLO. Ever since, I’ve been able to spend so much time with these girls serving, laughing, crying, singing, dancing, deep talking, worshipping… And what a blessing it has been from the Lord. CLO refers to “cielo” (heaven in spanish), and that is truly what they have been to my life. If it weren’t for them (and God obviously) my life right now would be the same routine, without big hopes and dreams. Now I get to grow in intimacy with the Lord and prepare to share His love in the ends of the Earth. The first moment I saw them I told myself I wouldn’t come too close to them, because I hate goodbyes. But a couple hours later we were already besties. Oops! They just left my country to continue their mission trip and then go back home. As I was saying goodbye tears were streaming down my face, but this time, it wasn’t just sadness, but gratitude. Gratitude for how their obedience impacted my life and my family’s, for the way they gave completely into me since day one, for the way they have advised and cheered me on in this process, for being raw, honest, real, genuine with me, for making me feel like one more of them, for loving me with no conditions… (I could go on). It’s sad to see us going separate ways (for now), but our time together was SO WORTH IT, every second of it.

Here’s a few things I love from them: (left to right in the picture)
Sam: Full energy and joy, on fire for the Lord
Lilly: Most serving and humble person
Ash: Wise, loving, and even the same enneagram type as me haha
Britt: Sweet as honey and loyal
Hannah: Charismatic and joyful soul
Amy: Inspiring and special connection with the Lord (ex: God told me to do the World Race through her)

Girls, I know you’ve had a rough time these months. You have something SO GOOD, that the enemy can’t stand it. But even through him throwing problems at you, God’s power was stronger (as it always is). And the lows didn’t stop you from inspiring and impacting so many lives, including mine. That low season is over. “It is finished.” Enjoy the joy, peace, freedom and unity the Lord is gifting you with as a team. The video below is for you girls. 🙂

And to the rest of R Squad:

You didn’t really choose to have me there with you, but God through CLO, AIM, and La Montaña allowed it to happen. And I am so grateful to Him for that! You made me feel so welcomed every single time. Your prayers, WR tips, smiles mean more to me than you can imagine. Seeing you worship God gives me a touch of heaven. Some of you went through the hardest times in Costa Rica, yet everything you gave me was love. If God’s purpose was to bring you to my country just to inspire me to step into boldness and freedom through World Race, consider your work greatly done. But I know His ways are way bigger and more complex, so He is completing so many other beautiful purposes for His Kingdom through you. Like I told you before, these have been the 2 most intense and amazing months in my life so far, and whenever I look back to remember them “R Squad” is all over them! Thank you for your support and your love. I pray that God allows you to see a bit more of the harvest of your beautiful work, “but if not” know that He is using you in more ways than you can imagine. I may or may not know each of you much, but I genuinely love you.

– Val