There are a lot of reasons to go on the World Race (read 10 of them right here: 10 Reasons to Go on the World Race), but what better reason do you need than the testimonies of those who have gone before you?

One World Racer reflects on the importance of giving God a year of her life:Testimony of Transformation on the World Race

“I went to college, earned a degree, and was ready to jump on the fast track to the nice life. Now, I can’t imagine going back to the life I once desired. I no longer want to be the same.

“I’m not afraid that my life may never look the way that I thought it would look. Because I know there’s more!”

Another describes the challenge and blessing of communal living: Testimony of Transformation on the World Race
“Life on the World Race is just like marriage, except I married six people that I didn’t even know, let alone choose. And in this marriage we live, work and play. It’s doing life together, 24/7. Very few people ever experience what it’s like to live in true community and let me tell you: Community is hard.” 
It’s hard, but it’s real. These are some of the most genuine relationships and experiences you’ll ever have.
A year on the World Race challenges you in ways that you’ve never been challenged. It calls something out of you that you never knew existed.